
Ultrablack race, created in the United States in 1993, will be at AgroPonte in Criciúma

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Ultrablack race, created in the United States in 1993, will be at AgroPonte in Criciúma

Cattle with a black coat and no horns will be the new bovine product in 122nd edition of AgroPonte, what happens to 16 a 20 of August, at the José Ijair Conti Exhibition Pavilion, in Criciúma. There will be five Ultrablack cattle brought to the fair by Cabanha Santa Augusta, from Pescaria Brava.

According to the Brazilian Association of Angus (ABA), responsible for the registration of the breed in Brazil, Ultrablack appeared in 1993, at Cow Creek Ranch, in new mexico (USA). Em 1996, the first animals were sold on the American market. Still considered new in the national market, Ultrablack cattle had the first registration authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture (Map) em 2017.

The Ultrablack is a synthetic race, obtained through crosses, originally from australia. Its composition is based on 80% of Angus blood and 20% zebu. “Cabanha Santa Augusta is dedicated to producing pure animals of origin (AFTER) of the Brangus and Ultrablack breeds and, that's why, we will take the news to the AgroPonte“, details the owner of the cattle, Edir Possamai, who has been working with bovine genetics for 17 years.

In addition to the five Ultrablack cattle, Possamai will also take seven brangs to the fair. As per the association, the use of Ultrablack genetics is seen as an excellent alternative for the use of F1 Angus cows in industrial crossbreeding. In practice, Ultrablack is an alternative for maintaining angus blood grade, which has been configured as ideal for Brazil, balancing meat quality, rusticity and heterosis.

“It is a differentiated cattle and that, for sure, people will want to meet during the AgroPonte. This has always been our purpose., i.e., bring the countryside closer to the city. It is a very different breed that will attract the attention of visitors”, comments the director of NossaCasa Feiras & Events and founder of AgroPonte, Willi Backes.

Other breeds can also be seen in the AgroPonte like Angus, Brahman, Wagyu, Nellore, Devon, Limousin, Simental, tabapua, Guzerat, Charolais, Hereford, senepol, Expensive, Jersey, Dutch, Gives, Sindi cattle, between others. “We will have several breeds of cattle and they will also be in the AgroPonte sheep, horses, stingless bees, for example", points out Backes.

Com 280 exhibitors, the event brings together the agribusiness sectors, family agriculture, industries and technology.

Visiting hours of AgroPonte

  • Wednesday (16/08): 16 to the 22 hours
  • Thursday (17/08): 14 to the 22 hours
  • Friday (18/08): 14 to the 22 hours
  • Saturday (29/08): 10 to the 22 hours
  • Domingo (20/08): 10 to the 18 hours

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