
In five days of fair, more of 80 thousand passed through AgroPonte in CgroPonte2024

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In five days of fair, more of 80 thousand passed through AgroPonte in CgroPonte2024

In five days of fair, more of 80 thousand passed through AgroPonte in Criciúma



With each edition, AgroPonte establishes itself on the Santa Catarina events calendar. Consolidated as the largest fair in the agricultural sectors, family agriculture, state industries and technology, in this year, the event received more than 250 exhibitors and had 30 thousand square meters of area. In five days, passed by the José Ijair Conti Exhibition Pavilion, in Criciúma, more of 80 One thousand people.


The program included lectures, seminars, Business roundtable, judging of the Brahman Cattle Breed and presentation of horses of the Mangalarga Breed. The fair exceeded exhibitors’ expectations, the organization and also the visitors.


“Since Wednesday, is 14, When we opened the gates we already felt that it would be a special fair, and it really was. The program was full of activities and knowledge. We receive more than 80 thousand people in five days of AgroPonte. We are now starting to work towards the 14th edition of the event”, noted the commercial director of NossaCasa Feiras e Eventos and organizer of AgroPonte, Jacqueline Backes.


In this year, AgroPonte had 220 bovinos PO (Pure of Origin) e PC (Pure by Cruza), sheep and goats, 40 horses, rabbit farmers with rabbits and similar, stingless fish and bees. The fair also received the heaviest Brahman breed ox in Brazil.


The public also visited 42 family farming cooperatives, industries, machine dealers and dealerships, tractors, combines, equipment, tools, technologies and inputs for production in agribusiness, Agriculture and Livestock.


Entrepreneur Alex Buratto is the owner of the company Keylex Alimentos, of Lages (SC), and participated in AgroPonte for the third time and again managed to sell its colonial products such as cheeses and jams. “This year was a complete success. We realize that the demand for Serra Catarinense products is increasing and acceptance is great. We made a lot of sales and sold all the products we brought on the first day of AgroPonte. Therefore, we need to send for more. Furthermore, we made many contacts throughout the fair and, for sure, the post event will also be very good”, comment.


Buratto highlights that AgroPonte is an example of a fair for other municipalities. “It is a reference organization event for other regions of Santa Catarina. It is a family atmosphere that attracts the public, We could have more events like this in the state”, stands out.


Industrial Pagé, from Araranguá (SC), participated in AgroPonte for the first time and hopes to be present in the next editions. The company operates with silos for grain storage. “We came to showcase the brand and we didn't expect to have so much reception and visitors. We had many customers visiting us, we close deals and schedule meetings for the next few days. For sure, we will be back in the edition of 2025, because it was really good for us”, emphasizes Otávio Joaquim, company commercial representative.


The director of NossaCasa Feiras & Events and founder of AgroPonte, Willi Backes, highlighted the moment of agribusiness in the south of Santa Catarina. “AgroPonte has established itself as an essential event for Santa Catarina, standing out as a crucial meeting point for the agricultural sector. With the continued growth of agribusiness in the southern region of the state, the fair is an opportune environment for business, exchange of knowledge, technological innovations and market strategies. In addition to strengthening the local economy, the event promotes integration between producers, suppliers and specialists, expanding opportunities and boosting the sustainable development of the sector”, affirms.


Business Round


The 13th edition of AgroPonte also featured a Business Roundtable between businesspeople and 42 associations. Different from previous years, in which the round took place among the exhibitors, in this year, it took place in a more reserved environment.


Average, 15 producer families participated in the round and they presented their product portfolios to buyers, which were supermarkets, wholesalers and box stores in the Supply Centers of the State of Santa Catarina (Ceasa) from Shark. The Business Round was a partnership between AgroPonte, Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina (Epagri), Ceasa and Santa Catarina Integrated Agricultural Development Company (Citizens).


“The business round was a success, both the participation of farmers, two boxers, of supermarkets and wholesalers. Everyone commented with happiness on the success of this moment of the round. The markets that came, buyers passed all farmers, talked to everyone there, all boxers too. Several farmers spoke about the success and we have already started planning for the fourth edition in 2025”, declares Marcelo Silva Pedroso, veterinary doctor at the Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina (Epagri) and coordinator of the fair in the Family Agriculture sector.


The company Cassava Flour Pais e Filhas, from Araranguá, participated in the Business Round. “I thought it was very good, a very productive moment and I believe that we will have good results from the Round. It was the first time we participated and I thought it was interesting that the companies were there to get to know each other., get to know the products and producers. We already sell our products to some supermarkets, but we are looking for more partnerships and we believe that with the Business Roundtable this will be possible”, details.


Date for 2025


A date has already been set for the 14th AgroPonte. Em 2025, the event takes place 13 a 17 of August.

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