
More of 100 thousand stingless bees will be at AgroPonte; creation can be done at home

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More of 100 thousand stingless bees will be at AgroPonte; creation can be done at home

More of 100 thousand stingless bees will be at AgroPonte; creation can be done at home

AgroPonte happens from 16 a 20 of August, at the José Ijair Conti Exhibition Pavilion

As they pose no risk to people, stingless bees can be managed in urban areas and will be able to be seen and known at the 12th edition of AgroPonte, in Criciúma. In Santa Catarina, there are about 30 stingless bee species.

AgroPonte takes place from 16 a 20 of August, at the José Ijair Conti Exhibition Pavilion, in Criciúma. Between the 280 exhibitors spread across 30 thousand square meters of area, will be Marcelo Passos, beekeeper and resident of Balneário Gaivota.

“I have been working with stingless bees commercially for 15 years. Anyone can start stingless bee keeping, even in apartments, like a dog, for example. Just have a minimum of plants that provide food”, Explain.

for steps, the preservation of these species of stingless bees is fundamental for pollination, maintenance of native plants and the development of Brazilian biomes. “Rational breeding offers great economic potential, in addition to dispensing with a series of Personal Protective Equipment (EPI) mandatory in the handling of bees (sting bees)”, comment.

O meliponicultor conta com um projeto chamado de ‘Abelha na Escola’, que busca ensinar professores e estudantes sobre a importância das abelhas nas cidades de Turvo, Balneário Gaivota, Laguna e Torres. “O ‘Abelha na Escolainstrui a escola quanto à existência das abelhas nativas. São abordados temas como espécies, alimentos, como preservar e quais produtos e serviços elas oferecem à sociedade”, stands out.

Os visitantes da AgroPonte encontrarão mais de 10 stingless bee species. “Estarão disponíveis para visitação na feira ou em indivíduos mais de 100 thousand bees. The expectation is great to participate again in this edition of AgroPonte, because the visibility and opportunity are immeasurable. It is the second time that we have this opportunity, the first by the Association of Meliponicultores do Eixo Sul (Amelsul)”, highlights.

AgroPonte aims to bring together the agribusiness sectors, family agriculture, industries and technology. “They are 280 exhibitors, i.e., we will have many attractions over the five days of the fair. It is a time to unite all these sectors in just one environment and provide Santa Catarina with a different experience”, comments the commercial director of NossaCasa Feiras e Eventos and responsible for organizing AgroPonte, Jacqueline Backes.


Tickets can be purchased at the fair. Tickets cost R$ 10. Furthermore, children under 12 years old must be accompanied by guardians and do not pay admission. All the 280 exhibitors will receive invitations and will be able to distribute them to their guests and partners.

AgroPonte visiting hours

Wednesday (16/08): 16 to the 22 hours
Thursday (17/08): 14 to the 22 hours
Friday (18/08): 14 to the 22 hours
Saturday (29/08): 10 to the 22 hours
Domingo (20/08): 10 to the 18 hours

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