
Details of AgroPonte under discussion during a meeting with the exhibiting cooperatives

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Details of AgroPonte under discussion during a meeting with the exhibiting cooperatives

Details of AgroPonte under discussion during a meeting with the exhibiting cooperatives

Meeting took place on Tuesday afternoon, is 11

Missing little more than 30 days to the beginning of the 12th edition of AgroPonte, this tuesday afternoon, is 11, in Paço Municipal Marcos Rovaris, representatives of family farming cooperatives met with the organization of the fair to deal with details about the event, what happens to 16 a 20 of August, at the José Ijair Conti Exhibition Pavilion, in Criciúma.

In this year, will be more than 40 cooperatives and family farming associations at the fair. Today, they received guidance from the Health Surveillance, from the Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina (Epagri) as well as the event organizers.

The fair is the farmer's bridge to the people. “This year we will have the seminar again with the theme 'Legalization of Labeling', a very good opportunity for farmers to learn more. Furthermore, we will have the guided tour, this means that we will present buyers for agricultural cooperatives”, explains Marcelo Pedroso, coordinator of the business and market management program in the south of Santa Catarina at the Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina (Epagri).

Pedroso also emphasizes that cooperatives have several segments. “They are undertakings that bring various products such as baked goods, cheeses, sausages, liquor, crafts and food. All are from the south of Santa Catarina”, comment.

The regional manager of Epagri, agronomist Edson Borba Teixeira, emphasizes the importance of family farming for the south of Santa Catarina. “Epagri believes a lot in cooperatives and, that's why, invests and is also on the side of the projects. We have funds allocated for enrollment, because we believe in the event and also in the sales opportunities during the fair. AgroPonte is a showcase for agriculture”, stands out.

The commercial director of NossaCasa Feiras e Eventos is responsible for organizing AgroPonte, Jacqueline Backes, points out that this year, the fair will have new spaces. “We create a new environment that will be innovation in agribusiness. The second floor of the pavilion will be transformed into agroinnovation. Furthermore, we will have companies and startups related to innovation in this sector bringing their experiences and news from the market”, affirms.

AgroPonte will also have a space called 'Mão na Massa'. “These are sectors that will interact with companies that will be exhibiting at the fair itself.. This brings together different sectors, providing knowledge in other areas and, Of course, experience in more sectors”, analysis. “Companies will be able to bring their problems and people involved in the space will try and talk to find solutions”, adds.

Over the five days of the fair, there will be several lectures. “All lectures will be free and soon we will disclose all themes and speakers. Details are missing to close the grid”, Explain.

Em 2023, will be 30 thousand square meters of AgroPonte with 280 exhibitors. “We are with 100% of the occupied area, being external and internal of the event. It is a fair recognized in Santa Catarina and that every year it has been seeking to evolve and looking for news in the sectors”, analyze Jaqueline.

delivery of invitations

During the meeting with family farming cooperatives, the organization of the fair has already sent the invitations to the exhibitors. “Invitations will be distributed so that each exhibitor can invite customers, suppliers and can also publicize the event”, stresses Jaqueline.

Outdoor area of ​​the fair

On the recommendation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Map), in this year, AgroPonte will not have poultry and birds due to the avian flu. “The bees continue and since we won't have birds and birds, we increase other sectors of animals. we will have 200 auto cattle, more of 100 sheep, more of 40 horses, among other animals. We will have cattle from different regions of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. We have prepared a differentiated infrastructure to welcome these exhibitors”, says the director of NossaCasa Feiras & Events and founder of AgroPonte, Willi Backes. The fair will again feature a Brahman race trial.. “In the arena we will have judgment of the Brahman race, being the most popular animals in the country”, scores.

AgroPonte visiting hours

Wednesday (16/08): 16 to the 22 hours
Thursday (17/08): 14 to the 22 hours
Friday (18/08): 14 to the 22 hours
Saturday (29/08): 10 to the 22 hours
Domingo (20/08): 10 to the 18 hours

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