
Consolidated as the largest agribusiness fair in SC, AgroPonte closes with record attendance and business

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Consolidated as the largest agribusiness fair in SC, AgroPonte closes with record attendance and business

Consolidated as the largest agribusiness fair in SC, AgroPonte closes with record attendance and business

More of 85 thousand people attended the 12th edition in five days


The 12th edition of AgroPonte ended this Sunday, is 20, with sales record, public and consolidated as the largest agribusiness fair in the state, involving the agricultural sectors, family agriculture, industries and technology. There were five days of event in Criciúma, gathering 280 exhibitors from Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná.

In this year, the fair had more than 30 thousand square meters, providing opportunities to receive more exhibitors and more space for visitors. “Our mission has always been to bring news from the sectors involved in the event to the public.. Our fair is consolidated in Santa Catarina precisely because every year we present products, machines and provide a pleasant experience for visitors. Em 2023, the success was absolute and there were more than 85 thousand visitors in the five days of AgroPonte. This number fills us with pride and motivates us to continue working so that in the 13th edition we are even more successful.”, comments the commercial director of NossaCasa Feiras e Eventos and organizer of AgroPonte, Jacqueline Backes.

AgroPonte had the presence for the first time of the Union of Rice Industries of Santa Catarina (SindArroz-SC), that have 25 associated companies. The fair was evaluated as positive by the president of the institution, Walmir Rampinelli. “In the Brazilian agricultural scenario, few products are as striking and essential as rice. During the five days, we managed to strengthen ties, intensify the population's knowledge about the grain and, Above all, highlight the relationship between this branch of agribusiness and the economic sector”, stresses.

The fair received pure cattle of origin (AFTER) and pure by crossing (PC) of countless races, swine, horses, sheep, goats, stingless bees, rabbits and fish. The public had access to 40 family farming cooperatives, industries, machine dealers and dealerships, tractors, combines, equipment, tools, technologies and inputs for production in agribusiness, Agriculture and Livestock.

“It is a historic moment for Santa Catarina. It was certainly the biggest AgroPonte we have ever carried out and that brings us more responsibilities for the coming years. We received many animals and all of them with a strict quality control and, Of course, with great quality. We are satisfied with the result of the fair, but work doesn't end this sunday. In the coming weeks we will be visiting and talking with exhibitors so that we can strengthen ties and always improve the next events”, says the director of NossaCasa Feiras & Events and founder of AgroPonte, Willi Backes.

Judgment of the Brahman Bovine Breed

During the AgroPonte fair, the judgment of the Brahman Bovine Race took place, with judge Dr.. Roberto Vilhena Vieira from the Brazilian Association of Zebu Breeders (ABCZ). The winners were Cabanha Bez Batti (Brahman Race Grand Champion) and Cabanha Talisman (Brahman Race Grand Champion). “It is a very special moment for the fair and even more so to receive Doctor Roberto as a judge. He is a specialist and reference throughout the country in the judgment of Brahman Bovine Breed. It was very special and we had very high quality animals in the arena.”, observa Backes.

big deals closed

With large machines and various agricultural products, Grupo Olim was one of the exhibitors that ended the event satisfied with the results obtained during AgroPonte. “The fair was excellent and one of the best we have participated in to date.. We exceeded expectations and made many sales and raised many deals. The Olim Group has participated in the fair for years and we are already confirmed for next year. In this year, the audience was assertive, i.e., customers came to close the deal. A fair where we closed many deals and also raised clients to negotiate during the week”, guarantees Carlos Eduardo Seraphim, Olim Group marketing coordinator.

The owner of the brands Bananitta and Frutto Della Terra, Jefferson Castanhetti Dagostim, stated that the 12th edition of AgroPonte was the best in recent years. “Expectations were exceeded and it was a very good fair and I believe it was the best in recent years. not saturday, we need to leave the event and go home to produce and come back on sunday, because the products ran out. We have very good expectations for next year.. AgroPonte is a showcase for small farmers and manages to leverage business. It was an excellent event”, highlights.

Maria Regina Romagna Pasetto is president of the Agroindustrial Production Cooperative of Nova Veneza (Coofanove) and participates in AgroPonte since its first edition. “It was a complete success for the cooperative. We were present with all the partners and we can only thank the organization. It was an extraordinary edition of sales and organization”, account.

Visit of the Secretary of State for Agriculture of Santa Catarina

The Secretary of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of Santa Catarina, Valdir Colatto, visited AgroPonte this Sunday and was impressed by the structure and grandeur of the fair. “I was surprised by the diversity of products on display at AgroPonte. It is a fantastic fair and one that we must promote, encourage and help. The State has an obligation to expand this work and the Integrated Agricultural Development Company of Santa Catarina (Citizens) is working and helping farmers alongside the Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina (Epagri). We also want to involve the Supply Center of the State of Santa Catarina (CEASA/SC) and this is a showcase for Santa Catarina and the world. AgroPonte plays a fundamental role with quality, organization and that's what we need to expose what we produce in Santa Catarina. We need to create market niches and we need to show that the production and work done in the State is differentiated”, stands out.

AgroPonte 2024

With this year's success, the 13th edition of AgroPonte already has a date set to take place in 2024. “This year's fair was an absolute success.. Now let's work to make next year's even better. Talking with exhibitors during the event, we have already received positive feedback. We know that AgroPonte affects the economy of Santa Catarina a lot, but we still can't talk about values”, explains Jacqueline. “Em 2024, AgroPonte takes place from 14 a 18 of August. This Monday we started the organization of the 13th edition of the fair”, scores.

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