
With defined schedule, AgroPonte a startups, business rounds and cattle judgments

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With defined schedule, AgroPonte a startups, business rounds and cattle judgments

With defined schedule, AgroPonte a startups, business rounds and cattle judgments

The 12th edition of the fair takes place from 16 a 20 of August, in Criciúma

The 12th edition of AgroPonte is scheduled to take place in 16 a 20 of August, at the José Ijair Conti Exhibition Pavilion, in Criciúma. The fair aims to bring together agribusiness, family agriculture, industries and technology in just one environment. In this year, will be 280 exhibitors in more than 30 thousand square meters.

The fair's schedule is already defined and, in this year, visitors and exhibitors will have lectures, seminars, pitch de startups, Business roundtable, General Assembly of the Rice Industries Union (SindArroz), judgment of the Brahman Bovine Breed, concentration of Creole Breed males, Breeding management of the Crioula Breed and 5th Crioula Breed Exhibition. (check out the full schedule below).

Teremos como novidade neste ano apresentações de startups do Agro. Eles farão um ‘Pitch’, que basicamente é a apresentação do próprio negócio para o público. Fizemos mais uma vez uma programação repleta de conteúdo para que os expositores e, Of course, visitors can enjoy and also learn more about certain important subjects for the agribusiness sectors, family agriculture, industries and technology”, explains the commercial director of NossaCasa Feiras e Eventos and responsible for organizing AgroPonte, Jacqueline Backes.

The Barriga Verde University Center (Unibave) will be responsible for two lectures at AgroPonte. “Themes will be related to our area of ​​expertise and innovation. The first concerns the sustainable management of the soil. The topic will be addressed by our coordinator of the Agronomy course, dra. Virgin Veronese Alberton, who have extensive knowledge of the subject. The second issue concerns artificial intelligence., super current and recurring theme in all media. He will be treated by master teacher Nacim Miguel Júnior, who has studied this subject in depth and has been a disseminator of studies related to the area in Santa Catarina and Brazil”, explains the Dean of Administration and Innovation at Unibave, Dimas Ailton Rocha.

Rocha guarantees that the University Center works for regional development and, that's why, will be at AgroPonte. “Our goal is to train professionals dedicated to the agro-industrial sector and other companies linked to the surroundings of its headquarters., what is orleans. are more than 16 municipalities served. We are an institution that takes the strengthening of this agro-veterinary sector very seriously., either through our specific courses, such as Veterinary Medicine and Agronomy or other higher education courses that feed the job market and contribute to regional entrepreneurship”, stands out. “Since the first edition of AgroPonte we have been partners with its organizers and exhibitors with our professionals in veterinary support and other activities. This year we will also participate in the field of innovation in this area, like our Incubator Inventa”, adds.

The Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina (Epagri) will also be present at AgroPonte in lectures and seminars. “The themes of the lectures demonstrate the innovation services that Epagri makes available online for farmers, such as phytosanitary warnings based on the monitoring of climatic conditions in each region, as for onion crops, rice, banana, among others, as well as the monitoring system and online recommendations for beekeepers, based on remote and online monitoring of hives distributed in the state with weather conditions, so that the boys are carried out with greater assertiveness”, observes Maykol Ouriques, Open Innovation coordinator at Epagri.

Ouriques also points out that Epagri will also be addressing issues of regularization of rural enterprises that benefit products to adjust production to sanitary standards and even export products.

“The importance of these themes is focused on the modernization of communication between producers and monitoring services, that bring greater agility and quality to agricultural production in the State of Santa Catarina, as well as preparing rural entrepreneurs for legislation updates and planning even to act in the export of family agroindustry products”, affirms.

fair access

Access to the AgroPonte fair is open to all audiences and may occur with invitations distributed by exhibitors (free access) or through the purchase of tickets at the receptions of the fair in the amount of BRL 10. All lectures and seminars are free. Check out the full schedule below..

16 August – Wednesday

16h – Opening of the Pavilions for Visitation.
19h00 – Official Opening Ceremony of AgroPonte 2023.

17 August – Thursday

14h – Opening of the Pavilions for visitation.
14h20 – Agribusiness Legalization Seminar: New Nutritional Labeling
Local: Lecture room in the AgroInovação space on the second floor of the Realização Events Center: EPAGRI.
14h30 – Canvas: Strategic Vision of the Business
Local: Mão na Massa Room in the AgroInovação space on the second floor of the Realização Events Center: UNESC Connect
16h – Knowing the Value of your Product: Cost Structure and Sales Prices
Local: Mão na Massa Room in the AgroInovação space on the second floor of the Realização Events Center: UNESC Connect
17h - Optimization of Feed Conversion in Beef Livestock
Local: Mão na Massa Room in the AgroInovação space on the second floor of the Realização Events Center: Dr. Roberto Vilhena Vieira – ABCZ Brazilian Association of Zebu Breeders
17h - SindArroz General Meeting.
Local: Lecture room in the AgroInovação space on the second floor of the Realização Events Center: SindArroz Rice Industry Syndicate of Santa Catarina.

18 August – Friday

14h – Opening of the Pavilions for Visitation
14h – Business Roundtable with Supermarket Buyers with Family Farming Producers
Local: Stands of AgroPonte's Family Farming Cooperatives 2023 Realization: EPAGRI
14h30 – Sustainable Soil Management
Local: Lecture room in the AgroInovação space on the second floor of the Palestrante Events Center: Sra. Virgin Veronese Alberton
Realization: UNIBAVE
14h30 – Or Agro not Digital Market: Expanding Sales and Business Opportunities
Local: Mão na Massa Room in the AgroInovação space on the second floor of the Realização Events Center: UNESC Connect
15h30 - Reimbursement of PIS/COFINS Tax Credits for Cooperatives, Tax Regime and Tax Reform
Local: Lecture room in the AgroInovação space on the second floor of the Palestrante Events Center: Sr. Arnibo Braatz Junior
Realization: New Life Cooperative
16h – Agro Startups Presentation Pitch
Local: Mão na Massa Room in the AgroInovação space on the second floor of the Realização Events Center: ACATE - Santa Catarina Association of Technology
16h30 – Phytosanitary Warning Services Degrees Days Rice, Sanitários, Agroconect – CIRAM
Local: Lecture room in the AgroInovação space on the second floor of the Realização Events Center: EPAGRI
17h – Monitoramento e Avisos sobre a Incidência de Cigarrinhas em Santa Catarina
Local: Sala de palestras no espaço Agroinovação no segundo piso do Centro de Evento Realização: EPAGRI
17h – Julgamento da Raça Bovina Brahman
Local: Pista Arena de Julgamentos no Pavilhão de Exposições de Animais Julgador: Dr. Roberto Vilhena Vieira
Realization: ABCZ Brazilian Association of Zebu Breeders.
17h30 – Programa de Qualidade para Exportação – APEX Brasil
Local: Mão na Massa Room in the AgroInovação space on the second floor of the Realização Events Center: EPAGRI, PEIEX UNESC e AIMS
18h30 – Apis On Line
Local: Lecture room in the AgroInovação space on the second floor of the Realização Events Center: EPAGRI

19 de agosto – Sábado

10h – Opening of the Pavilions for Visitation.
14h – Drones na Pulverização Agrícola Catarinense – Tecnologia de Aplicação e Mercado
Local: Lecture room in the AgroInovação space on the second floor of the Palestrante Events Center: Sr. Mikael Santos
Realization: Campoar
15h – Concentração de Equinos Crioulos Machos
Local: Pista Arena de Julgamentos no Pavilhão de Exposições de Animais Realização: NCCC/SC – Núcleo de Criadores de Cavalos Crioulos do Sul Catarinense.
16h – Mudanças Causadas pelas Inteligências Artificiais: Adaptação e Oportunidades
Local: Sala de palestras no espaço AgroInovação no segundo piso do Centro de Evento Palestrante: Sr. Nacim Miguel Francisco Júnior
Realization: UNIBAVE

20 de agosto – Domingo

10h – Opening of the Pavilions for Visitation
18h – Encerramento Geral da AgroPonte 2023

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