
CasaPronta: consolidated as the largest civil construction fair in SC, 201st edition is officially opened

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CasaPronta: consolidated as the largest civil construction fair in SC, 201st edition is officially opened

CasaPronta: consolidated as the largest civil construction fair in SC, 201st edition is officially opened

Opening ceremony was attended by authorities and exhibitors

The largest fair in the civil construction sectors, Santa Catarina furniture and decoration, CasaPronta started this Wednesday, is 18, at the José Ijair Conti Exhibition Pavilion, in Criciúma. The opening of the 20th edition was attended by authorities and exhibitors. The event continues until Sunday, is 22.

The gates were opened to the public at 16 hours, paving the way for more than 15 thousand square meters of fair. Participate 200 exhibitors from Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná.

Official opening

The official opening of CasaPronta was attended by several authorities, as the mayor of Criciúma, Clésio Salvaro, which highlighted the importance of the fair for the city and also the 20 event editions. “are more than 20 years of struggle. The organization showed the example and determination of the businessman from Santa Catarina”, highlighted.

The mayor of Criciúma said that Criciúma is close to registering 300 thousand square meters of permits in 2023. “It's as if Siderópolis or Nova Veneza appeared inside Criciúma and, that's why, the CasaPronta fair is so important. You want to know what the city is like? Look at the fair! are more than 200 exhibitors who are bringing the best to exhibit and sell, because the soul of the business is the relationship”, highlighted.

The president of the Criciúma Business Association (Acic), Valcir José Zanette, commented that CasaPronta is a great event and that it demonstrates the greatness of the southern region of Santa Catarina. “We are also exhibiting and are supporters of CasaPronta. Everything related to major events and the exchange of experience, technology, innovation and that contribute to the development of the South of Santa Catarina, Acic is involved”, guaranteed.

For Alessandro Pavei, president of the Civil Construction Industry Union (Sinduscon), CasaPronta brings together major exhibitors and shows the importance of the event for the State. “We have a very large diversity of exhibitors and this proves the growth of the region and also shows the importance of the South of Santa Catarina for other states in the country, since we have exhibitors from Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, Minas Gerais and São Paulo, besides the Santa Catarina”, reinforced.

The director of NossaCasa Feiras & Events and creator of CasaPronta, Willi Backes, emphasized that the event since its first edition was a success and, in this year, the presence of 200 exhibitors from five states confirm CasaPronta as the largest civil construction fair, Santa Catarina furniture and decoration. “When we started the event, it happened in another environment in Criciúma. Today, are more than 15 thousand square meters with diversified companies. Here, we have exhibitors who have been there since the beginning of the fair and a team that has been working for over 20 years”, he stressed.

Backes commented that visitors will be able to find everything needed to build, furnish and decorate a property. “We have exhibitors from all sectors. This way, people will find market trends and innovations with official discounts. Exhibitors came prepared to negotiate”, emphasized.

tickets on sale

Invitation tickets were made available to exhibitors for distribution to customers and partners. People who do not have an invitation can purchase tickets during the event directly at the reception for R$ 10. children under 12 years old must be accompanied by guardians and do not pay admission.

CasaPronta visiting hours

Thursday (19/10): 16 to the 22 hours
Friday (20/10): 16 to the 22 hours
Saturday (21/10): 14 to the 22 hours
Domingo (22/10): 14 to the 19 hours

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