
Search: 99% of visitors intend to return to CasaPronta in 2024

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Search: 99% of visitors intend to return to CasaPronta in 2024

Search: 99% of visitors intend to return to CasaPronta in 2024
Interviews were carried out by IPC during this year's fair

With its 20th edition held in October this year, CasaPronta has established itself as the largest civil construction fair, Santa Catarina furniture and decoration. The event took place in Criciúma (SC) and received 65 thousand visitors during five days of exhibition. A survey carried out by the Catarinense Research Institute (IPC) during the fair showed that 99,3% of these visitors intend to return to the event in 2024.

The results of the survey were released this week. Jacqueline Backes, director of NossaCasa Feiras e Eventos and organizer of the CasaPronta fair, highlights that this report demonstrates that the event is on the right track. “The research showed that the fair has a direct relationship with Criciúma. In addition to the direct movement of business carried out in the pavilion, There is also an economic movement in the city itself. An example: 6,2% of visitors visited Criciúma for the first time on market days”, explains Jacqueline.

The director of IPC Pesquisas, Renato Casagrande Rampinelli, explains that the research aimed to identify the level of satisfaction with the services provided and the fair's infrastructure. “The interviews were carried out by a team of interviewers with experience and specific training in opinion research., duly accredited. The Catarinense Research Institute maintains supervisors to check the level of quality in the application of questionnaires and completion at the place where the research is carried out”, highlights.

The research was carried out in two stages, with two audiences: visitors and exhibitors. Among the main points of the research, stand out:

– 6,2% of visitors were in Criciúma for the first time during the fair;
– 99% of visitors would recommend the fair to someone they know to visit and/or exhibit;
– 99,3% of visitors intend to return to the fair next year; among the exhibitors, 93,4% intend to participate again in 2024.
– 30,1% of visitors have visited CasaPronta more than five times. 27,8% visited the fair for the first time.
– Of the 200 exhibitors, 39,6% participated in the event for the first time. The rest had already been exhibited at other fairs.;
– 97,2% of exhibitors rated the event as positive.

CasaPronta 2024

CasaPronta has two editions a year, and they are guaranteed to 2024. The first takes place in Tubarão and then in Criciúma. In Cidade Azul the fair will be held 5 a 9 of June and in Criciúma of 16 a 20 of October.

“Whenever we hold a big event, expectations for the following year increase. In this year, Congratulations to the exhibitors, because the stands were beautiful and they brought a lot of news. Therefore, We have already started preparing for next year’s fairs and we hope that we will have the same success as this year”, scores Jaqueline.

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