
With expectation of 60 thousand visitors, CasaPronta brings together exhibitors from five states in Criciúma

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With expectation of 60 thousand visitors, CasaPronta brings together exhibitors from five states in Criciúma

The biggest fair in the construction sectors, decoration and furniture from Santa Catarina will take place in Criciúma de 18 a 22 of October. The 20th edition of CasaPronta will be held at the José Ijair Conti Exhibition Pavilion, traditional event venue. will be more than 15 thousand square meters of area with 200 exhibitors coming from São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and, Of course, from all regions of the State.

The expectation is to receive 60 thousand visitors in five days of the fair. “We have worked hard in recent months to bring you the latest news from the sectors. This shows the organization's commitment to always innovating and seeking the best in the construction market., decoration and furniture”, comments the commercial director of NossaCasa Feiras e Eventos and organizer of CasaPronta, Jacqueline Backes.

Jaqueline highlights that the fair will be a great opportunity to close deals. “We know that many exhibitors will bring unmissable prices and thus favor sales to the customer. It is important to highlight that we will have real estate agencies and construction companies at CasaPronta, therefore, It's the chance to acquire your dream home or even a dream plot of land, because the prices will definitely be better”, observa.

Known for boosting the economy of Santa Catarina, CasaPronta this year will present innovations in the construction sectors, decoration and furniture. “Talking to the exhibitors, we can already say that we will have environments that will bring trends in the way of furnishing and decorating., special discounts for business and the best in construction”, highlights.

Business Lounge

During the five days of CasaPronta, the 10th edition of the Business Show of the Association of Construction Materials Traders of the Southern Region of Santa Catarina will take place (Acomac Sul).

“We are going to promote a major sales campaign within the Business Hall. The exhibitors will offer special and differentiated conditions to retailers visiting the Acomac space. Furthermore, we will hold a round of lectures with guest consultants covering current topics, management, service, technology and inovation", says Júlio João Pereira, executive director of Acomac Sul.

Acic is a partner of CasaPronta

The Criciúma Business Association (ACIC) is a partner of CasaPronta and will also be an exhibitor at the event. President Valcir José Zanette highlighted the importance of the fair for Santa Catarina. “The CasaPronta Fair is an important event that has established itself as the largest in its segment in the State. In addition to praising the strength of entrepreneurship in the south of Santa Catarina,, CasaPronta is a showcase that brings together companies to expand their businesses, positively driving the region's economy. We are sure it will be another successful edition, gathering a large audience, with growth opportunities for companies”, affirms.

tickets on sale

Invitation tickets were made available to exhibitors for distribution to customers and partners. People who do not have an invitation can purchase tickets during the event directly at the reception for R$ 10. children under 12 years old must be accompanied by guardians and do not pay admission.

CasaPronta visiting hours

Wednesday (18/10): 16 to the 22 hours
Thursday (19/10): 16 to the 22 hours
Friday (20/10): 16 to the 22 hours
Saturday (21/10): 14 to the 22 hours
Domingo (22/10): 14 to the 19 hours

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