
Five days of fair, 360 business days: It is possible to visit CasaPronta Tubarão on a virtual tour

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Five days of fair, 360 business days: It is possible to visit CasaPronta Tubarão on a virtual tour

Five days of fair, 360 business days: It is possible to visit CasaPronta Tubarão on a virtual tour

The event was held at Farol Shopping and ended on the same day 8 of June

Holding CasaPronta Tubarão not only adds value to municipalities and exhibiting companies, but also plays a fundamental role in local economic dynamics. The 13th edition of the fair took place 4 a 8 of June, at Farol Shopping and despite having closed, the economy and business generated during the event continue to be promoted in the construction sectors, furniture and decoration.

In this year, CasaPronta Tubarão presented a new. Visitors can continue visiting the fair, even with it closed. “Now people can walk around CasaPronta virtually. When visiting online stands and becoming interested in a product or service, will be able to contact exhibitors”, explains the commercial director of NossaCasa Feiras e Eventos and organizer of CasaPronta, Jacqueline Backes.

The CasaPronta Tubarão fair generates a lot of business and boosts the economy during the 12 Months of the year. “We planned the fair for months, we close one edition and start organizing the next one, this is the cycle. But we know that the economy doesn't stop moving even with the end of CasaPronta in Tubarão. There are five days of physical fair, but 360 contact days, economic growth and visibility for the Association of Municipalities of the Laguna Region (Amurel)”, comments Jacqueline.

How you can visit CasaPronta Tubarão virtually?

CasaPronta Tubarão relies on Matterport’s 3D scanning technology for the first time, which uses specially designed cameras that create a three-dimensional model of the accommodation with high resolution and accuracy. Click here and check out CasaPronta Tubarão online.

"More of 35 thousand people passed through CasaPronta Tubarão. We had 80 exhibitors from Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, who brought the latest market trends. They changed the economy with hosting, food, transport and other services, which directly stimulates various sectors of the local economy, such as hotels and restaurants”, stands out.

Despite the end of CasaPronta Tubarão, the economy continues to be promoted, guarantees Jaqueline. “The fair, which can be visited online, is another opportunity for other people to get to know the stands and exhibitors. The fair continues even after the end. We know that the 13th edition was a success and we have already started preparing the 2025 edition”, affirms. Next year's CasaPronta Tubarão takes place 4 a 8 of June.

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